4th Grade Frenzy: November 2017
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November 19, 2017

Kindness Bulletin Board


This kindness bulletin board was very easy! I chose a black background and a white border. I cut out the words on our Ellison Machine using pastel colors and white.  Then I had my students write motivational messages on pastel-colored sticky notes and stick them all over the board. Finally, I sent out an email to my colleagues asking them to join in by bringing their class to the board where they would take messages to give away. I also invited them to have their kiddos add some of their own motivational messages. Here is just a sampling of what the kids came up with on their own:

All month long students would grab sticky notes to give away, but the board was always full because more sticky notes were added. This board was a fun way to encourage kindness! My heartwarming surprise was when students would take messages to give to me and other teachers. How sweet is that?!

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