4th Grade Frenzy: October 2022
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October 9, 2022

Multiplication Facts Review Activity

 Daily multiplication fact review is easy with quick games and activities. 

This math activity works well in a small math group or can be used as a large group game.

Directions for Wash My Car!

1. Draw a large car outline on the board. 

2. Fill the car with a bunch of math facts.

3. Students line up. Each student uses an eraser to point to a multiplication fact. The student reads the math fact and states the answer. If correct, the student erases the fact and goes to the back of the line for potentially another turn. If incorrect, the student simply goes to the back of the line.

4. Continue until the car is washed!

Once students know how the activity works, draw 2 car outlines on the board, divide the class into 2 teams, and have students race to wash the cars. Use a relay race format where each team has one eraser which gets passed to the next student in line after each turn.

This activity also works well with sight words!

Need more math games and activities?

3 Fun and Easy Ways to Practice Math Facts

4 More Fun and Easy Ways to Practice Multiplication Facts

Whole Group Math Games

Students are sure to be math-motivated! 

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