4th Grade Frenzy: June 2024
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June 15, 2024

Exit Tickets - 10 Creative Ideas!

Exit tickets can be used to assess students' understanding and plan future instruction. These 10 ideas will encourage engagement and appeal to different learning styles.

1. Draw and Describe: 

Students draw a picture related to the lesson and write a sentence or two describing it. For example, after a science lesson on plants, they might draw a flower and label its parts.

2. Emoji Reactions

Provide a set of emojis (happy, confused, excited, etc.) and ask students to circle the one that best represents how they feel about the lesson, then write a short explanation.

3. 3-2-1 Summary

Students write down three things they learned, two questions they have, and one thing they found interesting. This format helps synthesize learning and identify areas needing clarification.

4. One-Question Exit Ticket

Pose a single, open-ended question related to the lesson, such as "What is one thing you will remember from today’s lesson?" or "What is one question you still have about today's topic?"

5. Pair-and-Share Exit Ticket

Students pair up and discuss their answers to a prompt, then write down their partner's response. This encourages collaboration and listening skills

6. Sticky Note Exit Tickets

Provide sticky notes for students to write their responses and place them on a designated area (like a "parking lot" poster) as they leave the classroom.

7. Mini-Book Exit Ticket

Students create a small booklet where each page represents a different aspect of the lesson. For example, in a history lesson, each page could cover a different historical figure or event.

8. Comic Strip Exit Ticket

Students draw a short comic strip that explains a concept from the lesson. This format is especially engaging and helps students who enjoy visual storytelling.

9. Traffic Light Exit Ticket

Students use a traffic light system to indicate their understanding: green for "I understand well," yellow for "I understand but need more practice," and red for "I am confused." They can add a sentence explaining their choice.

10. Self-Assessment Exit Ticket

Provide a simple rubric or checklist for students to assess their own learning and effort. For example, "I participated in the discussion," "I asked questions," or "I completed my work."

Check out these exit tickets to add variety to your informal assessments:

There are many ways to use exit tickets as quick and easy assessment tools!

More Assessment Ideas:

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With faith and friendship,