1. Book and Booklight
Book club points can be used to purchase books for students, and booklights can be picked up from the dollar store. Some companies may even offer bulk discounts, so it doesn't hurt to ask. The booklights are a big hit with students, and they just may be encouraged to read over holiday break!2. Pencils With Students' Names
There are a few companies out there that print students' names on pencils. I still remember the little red plastic pouch that my pencils came in back in first grade! The pencils didn't have our names on them back in the day...Rather they said, "Season's Greetings From Your Teacher." We still were amazed that our teacher was able to do this! Did your teacher ever give you pencils with your name on them?3. Giftbag of Fun and Useful Items
Add pencils, erasers, a new box of crayons, a shuttle pen, and mini playdoh to a small gift bag. For this holiday gift, head out to the dollar store or order from Oriental Trading. I also try to remember to stock up on the school supply items in August when they are on sale. Then I just need to remember where I put them!4. Watercolor Set
Kids love these and painting is a great way to practice those fine motor skills while being creative. I have purchased watercolor sets at craft stores (remember your coupon and to ask for a teacher discount!) or at Oriental Trading. If possible, send students home with a few sheets of white paper to paint on over the holidays!5. Reusable Waterbottle
Perhaps water bottles with your school name or grade on them would be fun! Ask around for recommendations...one year the family of one of my students was in the printing business. The parents were always happy to help with friends and family discounts!6. Coupons
My kiddos have loved these printable coupons year after year! The coupons sheets can be tied up with curly ribbon and distributed before winter break. Students write their names on all of the coupons and store the sheets in their desks for safekeeping. After break, students cut out one coupon per day to use. This holiday gift lasts throughout the month of January and makes returning to school after winter break a bit more bearable! Click below to get these inexpensive coupons that kids love!Are you a subscriber yet?
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