Some teachers will be looking forward to going back to the routine and structure. Some teachers would rather have a few more days with Netflix and slippers! As for the students, they too can have a range of emotions about returning to school. Some will have missed you and their friends while others will be content sleeping in and playing video games all day for another week!
Here are a few strategies to make returning to school stress-free and enjoyable.
1. Have your lesson plans ready a few days in advance.
Waiting until the last minute is bound to cause stress and who wants to spend the last day of the break working? Try getting the plans done and materials prepped a few days before going back so you can chill that last day of winter break.2. Plan for your students.
Plan some time to review classroom rules and procedures. It probably got crazy before the holidays, so now would be a good time to review the rules. This is also a good idea because it's common for new students to transfer around this time.Of course, we have the curriculum to teach but do plan some fun interactive activities such as games and scavenger hunts as part of your lessons.
Here is a no-prep back-from-break activity that gets the kids up and moving!
Click HERE!
Try planning a winter craftivity for a holiday coming up such as Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The kids will like the crafts, and you will have a beautiful hallway display with one of these resources.
Click HERE!
Click HERE!
3. Plan for yourself.
Have your clothes ready the night before. Maybe even splurge on a new outfit at one of those after-Christmas sales!Pack yourself a lunch the night before with your favorite healthy foods!
Get to school a little early to get ready for the day.
Plan a little me time for yourself after school. Maybe it's putting your feet up and sipping hot chocolate on the couch when you get home. Maybe it's a warm bubble bath followed by crisp clean sheets and a good book.
Once you have survived that first day back, the rest of the week will be easier!
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