4th Grade Frenzy: Patriot Day for Kids
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September 10, 2017

Patriot Day for Kids

Most of us want to be able to discuss September 11th in a way that is age-appropriate. Here are a few ideas...

1. Watch a video for background knowledge.

This YouTube video titled: What Happened On September 11, 2001? indicates it is appropriate for ages 9 and above. Be sure to watch it for yourself before you decide to show it to your students!

Open in YouTube:

2. Talk about the helpers.

Mr. Rogers' mother once said, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping."
Students may like this story about Stephen Siller:

3. Complete follow-up activities.

Here is a freebie on TpT:

4. Write letters to local heroes.

Consider a letter-writing activity and invite local firefighters into class during fire prevention week. The kids can read their letters out loud to the firefighters if they wish.

September 11th is a day to remember our heroes of yesterday and today. You are appreciated! 

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