4th Grade Frenzy: 4th Grade Writing Prompts and Ideas
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July 12, 2020

4th Grade Writing Prompts and Ideas

4th Grade curriculum usually includes 4 types of writing.

This chart summarizes expository, descriptive, persuasive, and narrative writing. It can be used as a reference and get you started with your lessons.

Does your writing curriculum need supplements?

Kids love this Opinion Writing resource that may help with your persuasive writing goals:


Here is a fun way to distribute the opinion writing prompts:
1. Place each prompt in a separate envelope. Do not seal.
2. Have students stand up.
3. Distribute one envelope to each student. Spread out the extra envelopes on a table.
4. Students look at their prompt but keep it a secret.
5. If the student wants to keep their prompt, they sit down with it.
6. If a student does not want the prompt, they may EITHER trade with a classmate or swap at the table.
7. Repeat step 6 one more time or for as long as your patience allows!
8. Students use an organizer and begin writing.

Need just a graphic organizer for your own topics? Check out this print-and-go best seller for only $1.00!


Have you ever thought about having pen pals? Pen pal letter exchange can help students practice their writing skills. Check out this older post about how I teamed up with a teacher in California for a pen pal experience...    Pen Pals!

Once you team up with another teacher, you may want to use this friendly letter resource to get your kids started:


Choice boards are all the rage and writing is no exception! Kids and teachers love these writing choice boards that can be used throughout the school year. One teacher states: "I used this during writers workshop. The kids really loved the variety of prompts and it was easy to implement every month."


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